The Difference of Text Explanation and Text Procedure.
1. The explanation text tends to the chronological explanation about why and how the thing happens based on the natural background and also social environment. While, The procedure text tends to the instruction how to make or use something within the human's need .
2. Structure
A. The Explanation Text
1) General statement, it explains the background of phenomenon that has been ssued (why)
2) Sequenced of Explanation, it explains the sequences of process of how the phenomenon occurs (how)
B. The Procedure Text
1) Goal / aim, Contains title, action information
2) Materials / Ingredients / Utensil, Contains supporting materials / tools
3) Steps, Contains detailed steps
3. Purpose
A. Text Explanation
The purpose of explanation text is to explain the process involved in the formation of a natural or social phenomena.
B. Text Procedure
1) To explain/tell (the reader) how to make/operate/do something through a sequence of actions or steps.
2) To explain steps/instruction to make/operate/do something
The Similarity of Text Explanation and Text Procedure.
The equation is the text that explains "how" something can happen. There are facts in both texts. The so-called facts in the scientific or scientific sense. Both texts are not used to influence readers by the opinions expressed by the author. And also contains a sequence of events or events which if reversed will not become an accurate text. Also, the explanation text can be used to explain steps that must be done to do an action by using a chronicology development pattern
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